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Books To Aid Your Pursuit of Savagely Sensible Reasoning

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Now playing out in ​real time, Ben Shapiro discusses 3 things that are dangerous to America. As always, Ben expertly uses reason and truth to come to accurate conclusions that are sure to help your understanding of what is happening in America today.

~ Savage Satire Commentary 

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Though democrats love to pretend they are the party fighting against racism Candace Owens' Blackout clearly explains how this is a lie as she shows the long history of racism in the democratic party as well as current racism thriving in the democratic party. Candace makes a compelling case to black America why it's time to leave the racist democratic party who panders for their votes but only offers empty promises.

~ Savage Satire Commentary

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Horowitz reveals what many of us sense but have difficulty giving words to as he writes on the dark agenda of the the war to destroy Christian America. 

~ Savage Satire Coomentary

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The Bible is the all time best selling book. Don't simply form your world view from political commentators but read this book to learn about the Man Christ Jesus on the other side of the pages and let eternal values shape your world view.

~ Savage Satire Commentary


No saracasm here, toooooottttallllly none whatsoever.

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Would you like to read more from someone so obsessed with himself that he keeps writing massive books about his favorite topic, which is himself?

Some most honest Amazon reviews are

- "I believe you may have mis-labeled this as non-fiction."

- "Very disappointed, this was a 'I love myself and anyone who doesn’t love me is wrong' story"

~ Savage Satire Commentary

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Would you like to stop seeing people for who they are as individuals and instead start to relate to everyone based off of their race while pretending it is somehow not racist to do so? Well you've found someone delusional enough to write a book to show you the way!

~ Savage Satire Commentary

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